Heather T. Forbes, LCSW
2025 Class Schedule
Register today!
Group A: Thursdays
April 10, 17, 24, & May 1
Group B: Wednesdays
July 9, 16, 23, & 30
Heather T. Forbes, LCSW

Join the author for this one-of-a-kind experience to learn more about how to implement the contents of her ground-breaking book, Classroom180! This event will bring the pages of this book to life and give you the skills, confidence, and knowledge you need to support all your students during these unsettling times.
This multi-day intensive course is a deep-dive into the groundbreaking new book, Classroom180: A Framework for Creating, Sustaining, and Assessing the Trauma-Informed Classroom, by Heather T. Forbes, LCSW. The Classroom180 Framework is a comprehensive roadmap of what it means to fully create, implement, and sustain a trauma-informed classroom from kindergarten through the twelfth grade. Additionally, Classroom180 includes an assessment tool, the Classroom180 Rubric, that can be used by administrators and others specialists who support teachers on the journey of becoming trauma-informed.
Watch a sample of Session #1
This is a virtual training that runs for four sessions. It is a blended training with the majority of the sessions conducted LIVE on the BCI Zoom platform with some course work being done online through our Classroom180 Virtual Dashboard. Each participant will receive a log-in and password to access their dashboard during the training.
Each bootcamp has participants from around the United States, Canada, and the world. We are creating a synergetic space to find new and innovative solutions to creating a trauma-informed classroom for everyone.
Creating an effective and life-giving trauma-informed classroom goes far beyond a few fidgets and a calm corner. This multi-session intensive event will equip you to be on the leading edge of being trauma-informed. You will learn and explore the five domains of Classroom180 along with each of the clearly defined twenty-seven components and their supporting indicators.

The Classroom180 Virtual Bootcamp is a comprehensive deep dive into the "how" of a trauma-informed classroom. You will learn how to:
Domain 1: Relationships and Family Culture
Develop a strong family culture within the classroom
Establish and teach hierarchy
Set love-based limits and boundaries
Develop safe and strong teacher-student relationships
Create an inclusive and judgment-free classroom
Build and strengthen student-student relationships
Involve parents and build teacher-parent relationships
Domain 2: Regulation
Build and implement universal proactive regulatory strategies
Become more aware, open, and empathic during challenging times
Identify your own triggers and develop a greater self-awareness
Domain 3: Language of Trauma
Speak "the language of trauma"
Implement "right-brain" to "right-brain" de-escalation strategies
Improve your affect tolerance
Better read nonverbal communication
Domain 4: Safety
Establish effective safety protocols
Safely respond in a moment of crisis
Implement regulatory-based discipline
Domain 5: Discipline and Empowerment
Enforce consequences with relational support
Help students struggling with developmental deficits
Implement SEL with a trauma lens
Build up students' self-image and improve their sense of self
Find joy amongst the chaos
Using the Classroom180 Rubric
Use the Room Scan
Use the Classroom180 Rubric
Follow the 5-step process for assessment
who should
This multi-session intensive Classroom180 Virtual Bootcamp is designed for:


School Administrators

School Support Specialists

School Counselors
Teachers, this experiential training will provide you the roadmap to fully create, implement, and sustain a trauma-informed classroom. Additionally, you will be trained on how to use the assessment tools that are a part of Classroom180 for your own self-assessment. This will give you a foolproof way to make sure you are not only creating a successful trauma-informed classroom but that you also have a plan for future growth to maintain an ever-expanding and ever-deepening trauma-informed classroom for your students.
Administrators, this training will deepen your understanding of what components are needed for a trauma-informed classroom so you can create the systems and structures to support your teachers. But more importantly, it will equip you with a solid way to objectively assess your teachers, using the Classroom180 Rubric. Eliminate the guess work. You will be trained on what to look for when doing a classroom observation and how to determine at what level your teachers are on their journeys to becoming trauma-informed.
School Support Specialists and School Counselors
School support specialists and school counselors, this training will give you a more comprehensive understanding of all the components needed to create a powerful trauma-informed classroom. It will move you to the next level in your expertise and sharpen your insight when you are working with teachers in the classroom. You will also learn how to use the Classroom180 Rubric, an objective and well-organized coaching guide, to debrief with teachers when helping them to shift their classrooms from a traditional platform to a trauma-informed platform.

Mental Health Therapists

Educational Consultants
what to
This bootcamp is an intensive experiential experience. It is a unique event for those who are truly dedicated to being on the leading edge of the trauma-informed movement. This training will include the following:
A deep-dive of the intellectual content
Interactive discussions through online discussion boards
Emotionally driven content
Engaging group work
Content-reinforcing exercises
Mindful exercises
Practical and application-based filmed scenarios
Regulatory-based activities
Emotionally rich and self-reflective exercises
What else should you expect?
Expect to be challenged. Expect to improve your skill set. Expect to grow emotionally. Expect to fine-tune your ability to relate to challenging students. Expect to have a broader and more comprehensive view of being trauma-informed. Most of all, expect to have fun!
at a glance
Session 1
Welcome and introductions
Classroom180 and the Rubric
Domain 1
Family Culture
Video examples
Teacher-Student Relationships
Student-Student Relationships
Video examples
Teacher-Parent Relationships
Gallery Walk
Session 2
Welcome back and review
Domain 2
Room Scan Interactive activity
Transitional Support Video example
Interactive Poll
Teacher Self-Regulation with video example
Guided practice with the Classroom180 Rubric
Domain 3
Scale of Emotions
Gallery Walk
Session 3
Welcome and rapid fire flashcard review
Domain 4
Safety Lesson video example
Pickerwheel examples
"Mr. Slammie"
Video example of safety protocol
Gallery Walk of Safety Plan Lessons
Video example showing the dynamics between student, principal, and teacher
Session 4
Welcome back and review
Domain 5
Regulatory-Based Discipline
"Let's Work Through This" example
Video examples to show real-life classroom application
Using the Rubric
Observation of a classroom SEL lesson
Completing the Rubric
Post-Observation Conference
Growth Plan
Final Q&A / Next Steps
Group A: Thursdays
April 10, 176, 24, & May 1
Group A 2025
Session 1: April 10
Session 2: April 17
Session 3: April 24
Session 4: May 1
5:30pm - 9:00pm Eastern
4:30pm - 8:00pm Central
3:30pm - 7:00pm Mountain
2:30pm - 6:00pm Pacific
1:30pm - 5:00pm Alaska
11:30am - 3:00pm Hawaii
Don't see your time zone?
Click HERE to convert.

Group A
April 24
Session 3
Group A
April 17
Session 2
Group A
May 1
Session 4
Group A
April 10
Session 1
Group B: Wednesdays
July 9, 16, 23, 30

Group B
July 23
Session 3
Group B
July 16
Session 2
Group B
July 30
Session 4
Group B
July 9
Session 1
Group B 2025
Session 1: July 9
Session 2: July 16
Session 3: July 23
Session 4: July 30
1:00pm - 4:30pm Eastern
12:00pm - 3:30pm Central
11:00am - 2:30pm Mountain
10:00am - 1:30pm Pacific
9:00am - 12:30pm Alaska
7:00am - 10:30am Hawaii
Don't see your time zone?
Click HERE to convert.
contact hours
LIVE contact hours (4 sessions): 13.0
Online contact hours: 2.5

We are approved to provide Continuing Education Units/Credits by the above agencies. It is the responsibility of each attendee to ensure this virtual training meets your licensing board requirements!
For more information, click HERE.
You will have access to over 10 hours of online bonus courses through our Classroom180 Virtual Dashboard to continue and deepen your learning.
Participants are expected to have a basic understanding of ACEs, trauma, and the brain. This course will not go over the foundational material but rather, will jump right into the depths of the material. The following need to be completed before the first LIVE session:
It is expected that all participants will have read Help for Billy by Heather T. Forbes, LCSW prior to the start of the bootcamp.
To purchase, click
1. Read "Help for Billy"
2. Complete Online Basic Training
Additionally, each participant is required to complete an online pre-requisite training. With your paid registration, you will be given access to a pre-requisite course on our Classroom180 Virtual Dashboard. Prior to the start of the live sessions, you will be emailed an invitation to signup for access to this dashboard. On this online platform, you will be given access to a short course that has been specifically designed for this training that will satisfy this pre-requisite training. (2.5 Hours for CEUs)
All participants attending the bootcamp are expected to complete both of the two pre-requisites above to ensure they are ready to make a deep-dive at the start of this event.

Meet your

Heather T. Forbes, LCSW, is the owner of the Beyond Consequences Institute and author of Classroom180 and numerous other books on the topic of working with children impacted by trauma. Coming from a family of educators, Heather has a passion for helping children in the classroom. Trauma robs children of their curiosity, and Heather’s passion is to help these students return back to their innate love for learning. She consults and lectures extensively with both general and special education schools around the nation. Her signature style is to bridge the gap between academic research and “when the rubber hits the road” classroom situations, giving teachers and school personnel the understanding and tools they need for even the most challenging of students. Heather has worked in schools with trauma-impacted students and knows firsthand how challenging it can be on a daily basis with these students. Much of her insight on understanding trauma, disruptive behaviors, and developmental delays, comes from her own experience of raising two internationally adopted children and mentoring a severely trauma-impacted young adult.
Heather T. Forbes, LCSW
tuition &
This bootcamp is based on the content in Classroom180. During each session, you will be directed to specific pages in the book to complete the activities and will be given reading assignments each week. Thus, it is imperative that you have this book for this bootcamp. The good news is that you will receive a great discount on Classroom180 plus FREE shipping (domestic shipping only) on the book with your paid registration.
Multiple LIVE sessions with recording access
Access to the Classroom180 Virtual Dashboard for an exclusive prep and networking course ($100 value) along with four months of access for continual learning after the bootcamp.
Over 10 hours of additional bonus content.
Q&A support throughout the course.
$380.00 USD
Need a copy of Classroom180?
The book, Classroom180, is a required text for this training. You can purchase copies during the registration at a discount!
Classroom180 discounted to $56 ($84 value)
Free domestic shipping ($15 value)
$56.00 USD
Important Registration Information
You will need the following information to complete registration for the Classroom180 Virtual Bootcamp:
• Purchase Order (if applicable)
• Credit Card (if applicable)
• Tax-Exempt Form (Colorado Residents Only)
• Attendee's First & Last Name
• Attendee's Email Address
• Attendee's Phone Number
• Shipping Address (if applicable)
• Which group the attendee will join.
Registering a group of more than 24 attendees?
Call or email our office to register to take advantage of our tiered discounts!
PH: 303-993-8379 option 0
Email: classroom180bootcamp@gmail.com